Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize Blog

So, I have decided to be a copywriter in the world of advertising. This means I guess I need to start a blog, so they say. Anyhow, I am well aware that blogging is more or less going to be place for me to complain, moan, or add my two cents to stuff happening in the world. However, the ironic thing about my blog is that no one will ever actually read this thing. I am totally aware that that is my problem because there is no reason for someone to care what I have to say. It's not like I have done anything like win a Nobel Peace Prize. Then again, Obama didn't do anything either and he won one. So, if Obama started a blog called, "The Obama Nobel Peace Prize blog," even though he would not have anything to write about, my guess is that he would have people reading that sucker. So until I win a Nobel Peace Prize, here is to the person that finds themselves reading this post.

1 comment:

Ashley Seil Smith said...

Umm. I just saw this. And I read it now. Your title cracks me up.